Saturday 11 January 2014


Thank you so much everyone for entering the Polar bears new years resolution contest! go to the hall of fame page to see the winner.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Polar bears: an introduction

Here is a link to a book I made. It's called Polar bears: an introduction. The reason I wrote it is because I want more people to realise they need to help the polar bears. You don't need to buy it, but you can read the sample of my book for free. Hope you enjoy. :)

Thursday 2 January 2014

Polar bear new years resolution contest!

There is an all new contest starting at the 3/1/14 called the Polar bears new years resolution contest. The idea is that you come up with a list of things your going to do starting this year to help save the polar bears. Here is an idea of what you could do-( Send your entries to

My Polar bears new years resolution/s

* Walk more often instead of driving

* Enter the 'Project polar bear' contest (

*Take shorter showers

Entries close 10/1/14. Any entries sent in before 3/1/14 or after the 10/1/14 will not be counted.
For the first time ever we are offering a PRIZE- The winner will receive 5 amazing recipes and a fact sheet about polar bears. ALL ENTRIES WILL RECIEVE  a fact sheet about polar bears. All prizes will be sent by email and is not a scam- I swear for a Polar bears life.
                                                                        Good luck!

Thursday 14 November 2013

LIVE polar bear cam!

Check out this live polar bear cam I found! You can watch the polar bears every second of the day! Heres the website-           

Saturday 9 November 2013

Bear quiz- what type of bear are you?

write down on a piece of paper a, b, c, or d

Do you like hunting?


b. If its fish

c. There's not much to hunt where I live

d. no

Where would you prefer to live?

a. on ice!

b. near a river!

c. near China

d. in a forest

What would you rather eat?

a. Meat

b. fish

c. bamboo

d. berries and fruit

If you got mostly As than your a polar bear
If you got mostly Bs than your a Grizzly bear
If you got mostly Cs than your a panda bear
if you got mostly Ds than your a black bear

all new contest!

There is an all new contest that starts today! ( 9/11/13) It's called: The polar bear jokes contest! All you need to do is answer all of these jokes correctly and send your answers to this email: Here are the jokes:

Q. What do polar bears eat for lunch?

Q. What do you call a polar bear on thin ice?

Q. What do you get when you cross a polar bear and a seal?

Q. Where do you find polar bears?

Entries close on December 1st. All entries that come after December 1st will not be counted.      

Thursday 7 November 2013

1000 veiws!

We finally have 1000 views! Thank you everyone for viewing my blog and I hope you have spread the word about protecting the remaining polar bears and how to reduce the amount of gases and pollution. Since we have 1000 views, that means its time for another polar bear hour. The rules are you have to spend 1 hour without using electricity or power. (You also are not allowed to have your phones charging.) Remember- polar bear hour is not compulsory BUT if you feel like making a difference feel free to join in. Polar bear hour can be whenever you want but you still have to follow the rules remember. GOOD LUCK!